Neon GLOW Text Tutorial
Paint Shop Pro Tutorial
By Candie Witherspoon

1. Open a New Image: width=300 height=80, 16.7 Million Colors, Black Background. Choose the florescent green from your Basic Colors Palette (3rd Row, 3rd Column). See Sample to the left. (Green=foreground Black=Background).
2. Now Add text by clicking on the Text Tool (A). Click somewhere on the image to activate. (The Add Text Dialogue Box will appear.) Name: (Your Choice on Font); Style=Bold; Size=48; Check Antialias; Alignment=Center; Floating Checked. Enter the Text you want to, in the lower Box. Click OK.
3. You should now have green text printed on your black background, with "Marching Ants" (Moving Dotted Line) around it. This means the text is selected. To center your text, Click inside the "Marching Ants" and with mouse button held down, Drag the Text where you want it.
4. Choose Selections > Select None, to make those "Marching Ants" disappear.
5. Choose Image > Special Filters > Dilate. REPEAT. (You may not need to repeat, if you used a thin text font.) Dilate expands the bright colors and decreases dark colors. (The Erode Filter does the opposite.)
6. Choose Image > Normal Filters > Blur More.
7. Choose a New Foreground color by click on the green box (see sample on left), and choosing from the Palette.
8. Add the Same Text as in Step 2 above, with your New Foreground Color. I used Black.
5. I recommend saving the file with the .jpg extension.

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Copyright July 10, 1998 by Candie Witherspoon. All Rights Reserved.